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I sit on an Ethics Review Committee at the Albany Med Health System In New York State, Where doctors and nurses frequent brings us fragt questions.
Consider a Typical Case: A 6-month-old child has sufed a Severe Brain Injury Following Cardiac Arrest. A tracheostomy, ventilator and feeding tube are the only treatments keeping him alive. These Intensive Treatments Might Prolong The Child’s Life, but he is unlikely to survive. However, the mother -cores – citing her faith in a miraacle -wants to keep the child on life support. The clinical team is distressed -thee feel they’re only prolonging the child’s dying process.
Often the question the medical team struggles with is this: are obligated to continue life-supporting treatments?
Biothics, A Modern Academic Field that Helps Resolve Such Fraught Dilemmas, Evolved in Its Early Decades through Debates over Several Landmark Cases in the 1970s to the 1970s to the 1970s. The early cases Helped establishment the right of patients And their familyies to refuse treatments.
But some of the most ethically challenging cases, in both pediatric and adult medicine, now present the opposite dilemma: doctors Want to stop agressive treatments, but Families insist on conTinuing theme. This situation can often lead to moral distress for doctors—Specially at a time When Trust in Providers is Falling,
Consequences of Lack of Trust
For the family, withdrawing or withhlding life-sustaining treatment from a dying loved one, even if doctors advise that the treatment is unlikely to success or benefit the patient, can be overwhelming. Studies show that their stress can be at the Same Level as People who have just survived house fires Or similar catastrophes.
While Making Such High-Stakes Decisions, Families Need to be able to Trust their Doctor’s Information; They need to be able Serve Only the Patient’s InterestsThis is why prominent bieticists have long emphasized Trustworthness as a central virtue of good clinicians,
However, the public’s trust in medical leaders has been on a Precipitous decline in recent decades. Historical polling data and surveys show that Trust in Physicians is Lower in the US than in Most Industrialized CountriesA recent survey from sanofi, a pharmaceutical company, found that Mistrust of the medical system is Even WorsE Among low-investment and mineryity AmericansWho Experience discrimination and Persistent barriers to careThe covid-19 pandemic further Accelerated the public’s Lack of Trust,
In the clinic, Mistrust Can Create an untenable Situation. Families can feel islated, Lacking Support or Expertise they can Trust. For clinicians, the situation can lead to Burnout, Affecting Quality and Access to Care as well as health care costs. According to the national academy of medicine. When doctors see their patients suffer for avoidable Reasons, Such as Mistrust, they often suffer as well.
At a time of low trust, familys can be especially related to take advice to end aggressive treatment, which makes the situation for everything.
Ethics of the dilemma
Physicians are not ethically obligated to provide treatments That area of no benefit to the patient, or may even be harmful, even if the family requests themBut it can often be very different to say definitively what treatment are beneficial or harmful, as each of that can be characterized differently based on the goals of treatment. In other words, many critical decisions depend on judgment calls.
Consider Again the Typical Case of the 6-month-old mentioned Above Who Had Suffered Severe Brain Injury and was not expected to survive. The Clinicians Told The Ethics Review Committee that even if the child was to mirachaully survive, he would never be able to command or reach any “Normal” Milestones. The child’s mother, however, insisted on keeping Him Alive. So, the committee had to recommend continuing life support to respect the parent’s right to decide.
Physicians Inform, Recommend and Engage in Shared Decision-Making with Families to Help Clarify their values and preferencesBut if there”s mistrust, the process can Quickly Break Down, Resulting in Misundstandings and Conflicts about the Patient’s Best Interests and Making a Dificult Situation more distribution more data.
Moral distress
When Clinicians Feel Unable to Provide What they be the best care for patients, it can result in wasthicists call “moral distress.” The term was coined in 1984 in nursing ethics to describe the experience of nurses Who wasforced to provide treates that they felt were inapprite. It is now widely invoked in health care.
Numerous Studies have shown that levels of moral distress among clinicians are highWith 58% of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Clinicians in a Study Experiencing Significant Moral DistressWhile These Studies Have Identated Various Sources of Moral Distress, Having To Provide Aggressive Life Support Despite Feeling e.
Watching a patient suffer feels like a dereliction of duty to many health care workers. But as long as they are appropriately responded the patient right to decide – or a parent’s, in the case of a minor –They are not violating their professional dutyAs my colleagues and I argued in a recent paper. Doctors sometimes express their distress as a feeling of guilt, of “having blood on their hands,” but, we argue, they are not guilt of any Wrongoing. In Most Cases, The Distress Shows that they’re not indifferent to what the decision may mean for the patient.
Clinicians, howyver, need more support. Persistent moral distresses that go unaddressed can lead to burnout, which may cause clinicians to leave their practiceIn a large American medical association survey, 35.7% of physicians in 2022-23 Expressed an Intent to Leave their practice within two years,
But with the right support, we also argued, feelings of moral distress can be an opportunity to reflex It can also be a time to find ways to improve the care doctors provide, Including Communication and Building Trust. Institutes can help by Strengthening Ethics Consultation Services And providing training and support for managing complex cases.
Difacity and distressing decisions, such as the case of the 6-month-old child, are ubiquitous in health care. Patients, their families and clinicians need to be able to Trust Each Other to Sustain High-Quality Care.
This article is republished from The conversation Under a Creative Commons License. Read the original article,
CitationWhat the ‘Moral Distress’ of Doctors Tells Us About Eroding Trust in Health Care (2025, February 4) retrieved 5 February 2025 from
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