VR Subway Experiment Highlights Role of Sound in disruptting balance for people with inner ear disorder

VR Subway Experiment Highlights Role of Sound in disruptting balance for people with inner ear disorder

A screen Capture from Immersive Subway Scene Shown to Study Participants Using A VR HeadSet. Credit: Zhu Wang (Postdoc @ Nyu Courant)

The vestibular system is a network of organs in the inner ears that detects the motions and position of the head. The brain uses this information, Along with Inputs from The Eyes and Joints, to Mainty The Body’s Balance.

Visual information has long been proven to affect balance – For Example, Strobe Lights and Swirling Images Can Cuse Instability – But a New Study Published in Plos one Shows that sounds can also be a disruptive factor for that who has vestibular hypofunction, a vestibular system disorder resurder resulting in impaired balance.

“People with Vestibular Hypofunction have Difentialy in Places like Busy Streets or Train Stations where the overwhelming visual information may cause them to lose them to lose or be anxious,” Lubetzky, Associate Professor of Physical Therapy at Nyu Steinhardt School of Culture , Education, and Human Development.

“Sounds are not typical considered during physical therapy, Making our Findings Particularly Relevant for Future Interests.”

The Researchers Conducted An Experiment with 69 Participants Divided INTO Two Groups: Healthy Controls and Individuals with Unilateral Vestile Vestibular Hypofunction (Affecting One Ear).

Participants wore a virtual reality headset that simulated the experience of being in a new york City Subway. As they experienced the sights and sounds of the “subway,” they study on a platform that measured their body movement (KNOWN as Swayay), Who The HeadSet Recorded Their Head Movement, Two. Participants were provided with different Subway Scenarios: Static or Moving Visuals Paired With Silence, White Noise, Or recorded subway sounds.

VR Subway Experiment Highlights Role of Sound in disruptting balance for people with inner ear disorder

Study Participant Uses VR HeadSet Showing Simulated Subway. Credit: Anat Lubetzky

The results revised that for the group with vestibular hypofunction, the moving visuals accounted by audio (either white noise or subway sounds) resulted in the Greatest Amount of SWAY. This Sway was evident by the body’s forward and backward movements, as well as head movements left to right, and head tilts upward and downward. Audio conditions did not affect the balance of the healthy individuals.

“What we’ve Learned is that sound should be included as part of bot of bot of bot of bot of bot of the assessment of balance and intervention programs,” Says lubetzky.

“Because Balance Training is Known To Be Task-Specific, Ideally, The Should Be Real Sounds Related to Patients’ Typical Environments and Combined with Culture and Inclayed Challenge Le virtual headsets are a promising tool for both assessing and treating balance problems. “

More information:
Real Sounds Influence Postural Stability in People with VestiBular Loss but not in healthy controls, Plos one (2025).

Provided by new york university

Citation: VR Subway Experiment Highlights Role of Sound in Disrupting Balance for People with Inner Ear Disorder (2025, January 24) Retrie 24 2025 from

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