Successful Diabetes Program Encouched to be expanded in Australia

Successful Diabetes Program Encouched to be expanded in Australia

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First Nations patients in regional Queensland have seen significant improvement in their management of type 2 diabetes under a new program backed by James Cook University researchers, leading to calls to expand it state-wide.

A Recent Year-Long Study Made Up of 119 Patients From Ara Found That That that Thos Who Particapated In the Togeether Strong Connected Care (TSCC) Program ENJOYED ANJOYED AND EREGE Blood Sugar Thans In the Non-Tsccc Group.

The multidisciplinary Diabetes Intervention Program Included Comprehensive Lifestyle Advice Through a Team of Health Care Professionals, Including A Nursel And Torres Strait Islander Community Liaison Officers, Dieticians, Physiotherapists and Virtual Health Support Officers.

With recent national data showing that Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people are three times more likely Ay Base Hospital and Jcu A/Prof Dr. Harshal deshmukh said the results of the study was hugly promising. The paper is Published in the Internal Medicine Journal,

“The Level of Reduction in HBA1C (Blood Sugar Levels) is Quite Remarkable, BeCause General We Really Struggle to Treat Treat Type 2 Diabetes for People Living In Remot and Regional Communs,” Hee SAID.

“When we looking at first nations’ communities there is general

“But through this Multi-Disciplinary Approach We Proved that you can actually have good outs for diabetes for diabetes, raather than us just seeing them in a diabetes clinic and aSKing them to come to come to come to come to come to come to come.”

Participants were referred from GPS, Community Health Workers and Hospital Workers, With the Program Providing One-Oone Education and Care Management, Group Lifestyle Sessions and Community Event Ace-to-face meetings.

“This was a small study in one center but if we want these findings in multiple regional Queensland Centers, I Think It Could Really Help Build a Nural Framework,” Dr. Deshmukh said.

“I also think this Multi-Disciplinary Approach work not just for diabetes, but for other chronic conditions affecting first nations and people in remote communities as well. Data and we should be trying to expand the program beyond just one center. “

Research Paper Co-Author and JCU Professor Usman Malabu said government support is needed to roll out the program state and right across ACROSS Australia’s Vast Rural and Remote AREASS.

“The TSCC approach could be expanded to other rural, regional and people of first nations’ settlements where access to diabetes specials is limited or non-index,” Prof Malabu Said.

“Another benefits are the incorcation of general health education on top of medicines as a major contributory factor to improved diabetes care, and in some cass revols revols levels leveles levels.

“The paper showed the power of motivational intervention and coupled with this holistic and culturally responsive educational programs, we was able great results to there people 2 diabetes.”

More information:
Akash konantambigi et al, impact of a multidisciplinary diabetes care program on glycaemic and metabolic outcomes in regional and first nations communities: a retrospective observation Internal Medicine Journal (2025). Doi: 10.1111/imj.16639

Provided by James Cook University

Citation: Successful Diabetes Program Encouched to be expanded in Australia (2025, January 29) Retrieved 29 January 2025 from

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