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A new drug-free, minimally invasive intervention targets the root cause of progressive loss of neural function in spinal muscle atrophy (sma), an inherited neuromuscular dishese. An intervention, which involves electrical stimulation of the sensory spinal nerves, can gradually reawaken functionally Silent Motor Neurons in the Spinal Cord and Improve Leg Muscle Strength and Walking Whallying Smaults.
The findings were Reported By University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Researches in Nature Medicine,
Early Results from a Pilot Clinical Trial in Three Human Volunteers with Sma Show That One Month of Regular Neurostimulation Sessions Improved Motoneuron Function, Reduced Fatigue and IPROVED S, Regardless of the Severity of their symptoms.
The study is the first to show that a neurotechnology can be engineered to reverse degeneration of neural circuits and rescue cell function in a Human neurodegenerative death.
“To counteract neurodegeneraration, we need two things-Stop Neuron Death and Restore Function of Surviving Neurons,” Said Co-CORRERSPONDING AUTHOR MARCO CAPOGORSSOSO, PH.D. T pitt.
“In this study we proposed an approach to treat the root cause of neural dysfunction, completion existing neuroprottive treates with a new approach that That That That Raverses NERVECH Cell Dysfunction.”
Sma is a gnetic neurodegenerative disease that manifests in Progressive Death and Functional Decline of Motor Neurons – Neerve Cells That Control Movement by Transmitting ES.
Over time, the loss of motor neurons causes gradual muscle weakness, and leads to a variety of motor deficits, including, for the participants in this trial, deficulty in Walking, Dificulty In Walking, Climbing Standing and Standing Sams.
While there is no cure for Sma, Several Promising Neuroprotective Treatments have decided in the last decade. These include gene replacement therapies and medicines, both of which stimulate the production of motoneuron-supporting proteins that prevent Neuronal Death and that Slow Down-Down-DISESE-DISEASE-DISEASE-DISEASE Prograsion.
Studies show that movements deficits in sma emerge befored motoneuron death, suggesting that underlying dysfunction in Spinal Nerve Circuitry May Contribute to Disease onsease onsease onsease onsease onsease onsease onsease onsease onsease onsease.
According to Earlier Research on Animal Models of Sma by Study Co-Author George Mentis, Ph.D., At Columbia University, Surving Motor Neurons Receive Fewer Stimulation Inputs FROM SENSOR NITESOR NITERSOR URN the information from skin and muscles back to the central Nervous system.
Compensating for this deficit in neural feedback bill, therefore, improve communication between the nervous system and the muscles, AID muscle movements and combat muscles.
Pitt Researchers Hypothesized that a Targeted Epidural Electrical Stimulation Therapy Could Be Used To Rescue Lost Nerve Cell Function by Amplifeing Sensory Inputs to the Motor Neurons and Engaging Uits. These Cellular Changes Cold, In Turn, Translate INTO Functional Improvements in Movement Capacity.
The pitt study was conducted as part of a pilot clinical trial that Enrollled Three Adults with Milder Forms of Sma (Type 3 or 4 sma).
DURING A Study Period of 29 Days, Participants Were Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) Electrodes that was planed in the lower back records on each side of the spinal cord, DIRECTING The Stimulation Exclies Y Nerve roots. Testing Sessions Lasted Four Hours Each and Week for a Total of 19 Sessions, Until the Stimulation Device was explained.
After Confirming that the stimulation worked as intended and engaged spinal motor neurons, Researchers Performed a Battery of Tests to Measure Muscle Strength and Fight, Change Ins Gait, Rage of Motion and Walking Today S Motoneuron Function.
“Because Sma is a programsive disease, patients do not expect to get better as time goes on. Verral clinical outcomes with improvements in activities of Daily Living. essor of physical medicine And Rehabilitation at Pitt.
ALL PARTICIPANTS Increased Their “6-Minute Walk Test” Score of Muscle Enduration and Fatigue-BY at Least 20 Meters, Compared to a Mean Meters of 1.4 Meters Over Three Month Naided by Scs and a Median Increase of 20 Meters after 15 months of Sma-specific neuroprotective pharmacologic therapy.
These Functional Gains were Mirrored by Improved Neural Function, Including a Boost in Motoneurons’ Capacity to Generate Electrical Impulses and Transmit Them to the Muscles.
“Our results sugges that this neurostimulation approach be broadly apply Are identified in the course of future research, “said co-corresponding author robert friedlander , MD, Chair of Neurosurgery at Pitt and Co-Director of the UPMC Neurological Institute.
“We are hoping to continue working with sma patients and launch another clinical trial to test the long-term efficacy and safety of Electrical Spinal Cord Stimulation.”
More information:
First-in-Human Study of Epidural Spinal Cord Stimulation in Individuals with Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Nature Medicine (2025). Doi: 10.1038/s41591-024-03484-8,
Citation: Spinal Cord Electrical Stimulation Restores Neural Function in Clinical Trial (2025, February 5) retrieved 5 February 2025 from
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