Position menstrual cups carefully to avoid possible kidney problems, doctors urge

Position menstrual cups carefully to avoid possible kidney problems, doctors urge

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A a poorly positioned menstrual cup to capture monthly blood flow may lead to more serial complications than leakage alone, warn doctors in the journey Bmj case reportsAfter treatment a young woman with uterohydronephrosis – a swollen kidney caused by blocked urine flow into the bladder.

The use of menstrual cups as a sustainable alternative to other methods of Controlling period blood flow is waiting, note the report authors. While Reported Complications are rare, the evidence sugges that pain, vaginal wounds, allergic reactions, leakage, urinary incontinence, dislodgement of intrauterine devices (‘coils’) Ible, they add.

The doctors treated a young woman in her ear 30s who had noticed blood in her urine and was experienceing intermittent right-sided blank and pelvic pain that have lasted for Around Six Months.

Three Years Earlier, She Had Had A 9 MM Kidney Stone Removed. And she was using a copper coil for contraception. One or two days a month, during the heaviest period blood flow, she used a menstrual cup which she Emptied always two to three hours.

A scan Reveled No Signs of Kidney Stones, but it did show a swollen right kidney and ureter -tube that carries urine away from the kidneys. It also showed a menstrual cup positioned right next to the opening of the ureter into the bladder (Ureteral ostium).

The woman was asked not to use the menstrual cup during her next period and to return for a follow-up scan a month later. The scan showed that the swelling had gone down and that urine was draining normally from bot kidneys.

The woman’s symptoms had cleared up complete, prompting the report authors to conclude that the cup had obstructed the flow of urine from the right ureter.

When the woman attended a further check-up Six Months Later, She Said That She Had Only Used The Menstrual Cup Occsionally For Three to Four hours at a time during visit to a swimming pool. She hadnless to use the cup regularly again, for fear of possible complications.

“To our knowledge, only a less similar cases have previously been reported.

“In all cases except one, a follow-up (computeed tomography scan) or Ultrasound was performed which showed showed Regression of the Ureterohydronephrosis. None of them Experienced Resumption of Symptoms (Unknown Follow-up periods).

Women (and clinicians)

“When the terminal part of the ureters pass into the bladder, they are in proximity to the vagina, which can affect Urinary Drainage from the Ureter. Correct position, along Choost Cup Shape and Size Portant to Prevent Negative Effects on the upper urinary tract, “They explain.

“Presently, menstrual cups can be bought and used without Clinical Advice from a health professional, which emphasizes the importance of detailed and cleaned PATENT Information Matter,”

More information:
Ureterohydronephrosis due to a menstrual cup, Bmj case reports (2025). Doi: 10.1136/BCR-2024-262035

Provided by British Medical Journal

Citation: Position menstrual cups carefully to Avoid Possible Kidney Problems, Doctors Urge (2025, February 10) retrieved 10 February 2025 from

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