Mothers of twins face a higher risk of heart disease in the year after birth

Mothers of twins face a higher risk of heart disease in the year after birth

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The risk of being admitted to the hospital with heart disease is twice as high the year after birth for mothers of twins compared to singleton births, according to resurgent published in the European Heart JournalThe risk is even higher in mothers of twins who had a high blood pressure condition during pregnancy.

The Research was LED by Professor Cande Ananth from the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences at Rutgers ROBERT Wood Johnson Medical School, New Jersey.

He said, “The rate of Twin Pregnancies Worldwide Has Risen in Recent Decades, Driven by Fertility Treats and Older Maternal Ages. Previous stodies have shown no long-tree incen Hen Following People with Twin Pregnancy for Decades after delivery. , This is a counterinttivitive to what we observe clinically when caring for patients with twin pregnancies.

“Given the unacceptably high rate of Maternal Mortality in the first year after birth due to cardiovascular disease, we wanted to examine whither twin pregnancy incrected

The Researchers Stodid Data on 36 Million Hospital Deliveeries TAKEN FROM The Us Nationwide ReadMations Database of Us Hospitals from 2010 to 2020. Lood Pressure during pregnancy, those who had twins and hypertensive disease Of Pregnancy (High Blood Pressure Conditions), Theos who had singleton pregnancy with normal blood pressure, and thats who has singleton pregnancy with hypertensive disease of pregnancy.

Hypertensive disease of pregnancy include gestational hypertension, pre-exampsia, eclampsia, and superimposed pre-exampsia.

For each group, researchers calculated the proportion of patients who were readmitted to the hospital within a year of childbirth with any type of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack, heart failure, or stroke.

Resarchers found that proportion of readMations for Cardiovascular Disease Within A Year of GIVING BURTH BIS HIGHER Overall For that with Twins (1,105.4 Per 100,000 DELIVERES) , 000 deliveries).

Compared to Singleton Pregnancies with Normal Blood Pressure, People with Twins with Normal Blood Pressure was Around Twice as Likely to Be Hosovascular Disiese. For that with twins with high blood pressure during pregnancy, the risk is more than eight times higher.

Forge Igh blood pressure conditions. This sugges that the risk to mothers of twins decreases in the longer term, while the mothers of singletons may have other pre-existing cardiovascular risk factors.

The researchers were not able to examine essential risk factors for Cardiovascular Disease, Such as Race/Ethnicity, Smoking, Obesity, and Drug Use, BECAUSE these were not constinded in the database.

Dr. Ruby Lin, A Maternal-Fetal medicine Fellow It takes weeks for the maternal heart to return to its Pre-pregnancy state.

“People with Twin Pregnancies Short be Aware of the Short-Term Increase in Cardiovascular Disease Complications in the first year after birth, even they have a pregnancy Ure conditions, such as pre-exlampsia. Fertility Treatments, Especially For THER CARDIVASCURRAR RISK FACTORS, Such as OLDER Age, Obesity, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure or Heart Disease, Patiles Cies May Increase Cardiovascular Disease Complications in the Short Term.

“Given these Higher Risks, Health Care Providers and Health Insurance Companies Should Continue to Provide Follow-Up for Up to a Year after Birth for High-Risk Pregnanc Such SUCH SUCH SUCH SUCH SUCH SUCH SUCH SUCH SUCH SUCH SUCH SUCHNANCIES.”

In an accumpanying editorial, Dr. Katherine Economy from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Us, and Colleagues Said, “Greater Understanding of Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease (Cvd) Rent Maternal Morbidity Rates in the US and Data Revealing that ∼33 % of Pregnancy-Related Deaths are Attributable to Cardiovascular Events.

“A Particular Knowledge Gap in Pregnancy and CVD Centers Around Twin Pregnancy Third are conceived with assisted reproductive Technologies (Art) Such as in Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or ovulation induction therapies.

“To address this gap in knowledge, in the current issue of the European Heart JournalLin et al. Present new data from the nationwide readMations database (NRD) of Pregnancy (HDP).

“Remarkably, The Authors observed Significantly Higher Readmission Rates for CVD Events after A Twin Pregnancy Compared With Singletons, with an adjusted hazusted razard ratio (hr) of 8.21 Val (CI) 7.48–9.01) and 1.95 (95% CI 1.75 -2.17) Among women with and without hdp, respectively.

“We must Embrace the fourth trimester (12 weeks after delivery) as a critical time period to make impactful changes that will influence long-term Cardiovascular Heal TS, and other medical specialists is essential to address the crisis of maternal mortality And to reduce post-page complications, include improving the accessibility and quality of post-page care. “

More information:
Cande V. Ananth Et Al, Hospitalization for Cardiovascular Disease in the year after delivery of twin pregnancy, European Heart Journal (2025). Doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehaf003

Provided by European Society of Cardiology

Citation: MOTERS OTWINS FACE A Higher Risk of Heart Disease in the Year after birth (2025, February 2) Retrieved 2 February 2025 from

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