Modern Family child star Nolan Gould reveals show’s toll on personal life

Modern Family child star Nolan Gould reveals show’s toll on personal life

Modern Family child star Nolan Gould has revealed show‘s toll on his personal life after he filmed the series throughout most of his childhood.

Gould played Luke Dunphy from 2009 to 2020, from the ages of 11 to 22. Now 25, he has opened up about his experience on set to his former co-star, Jesse Tyler-Ferguson.

On the latter’s podcast, Dinner on MeGould shared that he would not trade in his unique childhood experiences.

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Sarah Hyland as Haley Dunphy, Nolan Gould as Luke Dunphy and Ariel Winter as Alex Dunphy in Modern Family. (20th Television)

“I would not change my childhood, like, I’m really happy,” he said, “I got to be part of such an incredible show. I know that like a lot of other child actors don’t have it as lucky. “

However, he did admit that it veered him off the course of a “traditional” lifestyle, being unable to attend normal school and even college, with the star saying that he had to defer his film school admission twice before being told to re-apply. .

”At that point, I was like, 21, and had a chip on my shoulder,” he recalled “I was like, I’m not going to reapply to film school’ and so just like never went. … It closed a lot of doors to the kind of ‘traditional lifestyle’.

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Nolan Gould as Luke Dunphy

Modern Family cast: See their photos from 2009 and 2020

“I find it hard to bond with people about the things that everyone went through like, ‘What was high school like? What was dating like when you were young?’… I kind of brush past all that stuff. But then it opened doors.

“So all these doors closed on kind of a traditional lifestyle, but opened up these really beautiful doors on a traditional, nonlinear lifestyle. I’m doing a lot of the things now, maybe that people kind of did when they were young.

“So I don’t know. I’m happy with where I’m at now and I’m so glad I got to be a part of the show,” he said, “I wouldn’t change that.”

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Nolan Gould
Nolan Gould says he’s now living a ‘nonlinear lifestyle’ after missing out on childhood and teen experiences. (Getty)

However, when asked when he would wish the same fate for his own children, he doubled back.

“I probably wouldn’t let my kids do it,” he said, “Although no shame to people who do, right, because I’ve obviously found a lot of joy and love through it, and it opened up a lot of really incredible doors, and also closed a lot of meaningful ones.”

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